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About Nost Amor
Mae gavonnen and welcome to Nost Amor (Sindarin: House of Amor)
*Nost Amor has become Thaldirith and is moving to Enjin! Check out the new site here.

We are a rank 10, Elven and Elf-friend kinship on the Landroval server. Nost Amor was founded with the intent to provide a friendly, medium to heavy, lore-based Role Play alternative for primarily elves and have grown to accept all other races of middle-earth. However, we enjoy many other ascpects of the game such as music, crafting, questing, leveling, grouping and much more. (Alts are welcome)

Our unfolding kinship story line revolves around a core family group and their call for allies to combat the dark forces of Mordor throughout Middle-Earth. Members will be called to aid in various forms during the continually evolving compaign. Independant member story lines and character development outside of the main storyline are strongly encouraged.

Kinship and server events are scheduled on the Calendar.

In-game contacts: Aemthalion, Marillie, Daerdin & Nimoda (Click here for a list of their alts)
In-game chat channel: Eldalie

Kinship Neighborhood: Talaf Aewin, Falathlorn Homesteads
We maintain the majority of the neighborhood and members are encouraged to purchase homes within the neighborhood when they become available. The following are a sample of what our kinship provides. A complete list with addresses are provided to active members of the website.

  • Kinship House: 8 Haven Way
  • Kinship Guesthouse: 4 Twinfall Path
  • Smith Council House
  • Scholar & Cook Council House
  • Tailor & Woodworker Council House
  • Map House
  • Treasure Room
  • Numerous member's houses.

Enrollment is always open. Please take the time to read over our rules before applying. Le hannon!

Lore is to be used as a guide line, not a straight jacket. We will not at anytime seek to limit your creative abilities. It is Tolkien's world but your character. Have fun with it! With that being said, depending on your particular brand of creativity, not all members may feel inclined to participate.

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